Many marketing agencies will reccomend that you do some form of paid advertising to attract more customers to a beauty salon. This is obviously useful but if you want to maximise the full potential of increasing your traffic this technique should be integrated into a more complex strategy that follows your potential customer in all the phases of the purchasing journey.
Below is a 6-step strategy that will allow you not only to find new customers but also to keep them close!
Step 1: Get Them Curious
At this early stage it is imperative to create a desire, for example: if after attending a refresher course you want to focus on a service such as microblading, start talking about it, show the results you are getting for your customers on all your communication channels. Post photos of the courses you are doing, or some fun videos even with your customers that are trying it out. (Remember to always get a release signed to use your customers images)
Step 2: Engagement
After having made them super curious you need to engage them, so here you need to come up with something that allows them to interact directly with you. You can organise an event or simply an online survey in which you ask them something or tell them about the product or service you want to promote ... For example : lets stay with the microblading theme, one way to involve them would be by launching a survey in which you ask your customers if they are willing to suffer a little to have a more sensual look!
Step 3: Promote
Now that you have created your own personal community made up of you and your customers in which you chat, entertain and inform, it's time to do that famous paid advertising we spoke about at the beginning of the article, it's time to promote your amazing offer.
Whoever comes across your ad will look for information and reviews about you ... for this reason your advertising campaign must be preceded by the curiosity phase and the engagement phase. This will help you set yourself up as a leader in your field and in turn this will stand you in good stead the moment your potential customer has to choose whether to book a treatment from you rather than from your competition.
These first three steps are essential if you want to attract customers to your beauty salon!
Step 4: Acquire
When new customers come to your salon attracted by your offer, you will have to make them yours by trying to get some form of contact info. In this way they will become part of an acquired audience that you can contact at any time even for free if you have the right tools!
Step 5: Pamper
Once acquired you will be able to contact them, you shouldn't just communicate with your clients to try and offer them a product or service. Sometimes it is enough simply to send them some information about your treatments that they may have already experienced, or some interesting info about other treatments that could benefit them. It could also be helpful to ask them for video testimonials or reviews on social media ... the important thing is that every time, before asking, you should offer something be it advice, a discount or some other "gift" otherwise they will never be tempted to do it.
Step 6: Build loyalty
The best way to keep them close to you is to continue to give them value with useful and practical information, let them collect points for rewards and occasionally throw in some exclusive offers ... by doing this you will involve them to the point that you can even try campaigns like "bring a friend" that will get your clients to do the heavy lifting and bring you new clients!
As you may have noticed so far I haven't mentioned any social networks or even The Flox App, precisely because this article illustrates a strategy to attract customers that you can implement immediately with the tools you have at hand and is valid for whatever type of communication you are currently using.
Of course using social networks will help but implementing a strategy like this is not easy and takes time, for this reason you should lean on a trusted agency to assist you. Moreover if the social network used or the agency itself were to close you would find yourself holding a handful of nothing, instead with proprietary tools like Flox you would not run this risk and above all you can start and test all the strategies your heart desires with a few simple clicks!