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Your Online Store: 5 Mistakes to avoid

Having your own e-commerce store can be engaging and fun but really you want it to make you money. This can be a real challenge.

Most of the lessons learned in running an online store are from the mistakes we make. Every mistake brings with it an opportunity to improve. That's why today I'm going to share with you some common mistakes made by entrepreneurs when starting their online stores. By avoiding these pitfalls you can put your online store on the fast track to success.

MISTAKE #1: The Netflix Effect (Too much choice is paralysing)

Often, because of the temptation to make more sales, many decide to add ALL the products they have to their online store. The problem arises when too many products are available that are unrelated or confusing the customer. Being cohesive and creating an identity for your brand is one of the key ways to ensure your online store sells more.

MISTAKE #2: Not using coupon codes, promotions, and gifts

Businesses that use coupons, promotions and gifts online are usually also the ones that have greater success. Gifts, competitions and promotions are an effective strategy to increase sales. It's important that the kind of promotion chosen is in line with the product being offered. For example, offering a gift or "freebies" works well for products that have an expiry date like foods, or beauty products.

MISTAKE #3: Not knowing your customer avatar

Not defining your ideal customer is one of the most common mistakes made, which makes everything more complicated, even if your product is in high demand. Knowing your ideal customer in perfect detail will help you target and communicate effectively. To help you with this we have provided free access to the Avatar Course Valued at over R 2000. simply send an email to with 'AVATAR' in the subject line and we will send you the link and code to access it.

MISTAKE #4: Thinking that just by going online you will be able to sell.

Thinking that online sales and bookings are quick and easy to get and that profits are just going to start rolling in while you sleep without any hard work is a massive mistake.

Would you open a traditional brick and mortar store full of merchandise and products and then leave it unattended without staff, without a manager without any sort of way to promote it? I think not! The same goes for your online store. It takes care, love and planning to get results and keep growing.

MISTAKE #5: Choosing the wrong platform

When you start an online store it's fundamental to choose the right platform. Not old antiquated ones, not your cousin "who's a whizz with computers", your neighbour or your friend. How can you dream of scaling the peak of online sales with a platform that is not specific to your needs and products?

Think of the features that you need from your product's stand point as well the client and take into consideration the level of expertise of the one who will be running/managing/updating your store going forward.

Now that you know these 5 common mistakes you can avoid them, or if you found yourself committing one of these blunders quickly find a solutions to fix it. Making mistakes, learning and finding solutions is one of the best ways to improve and reach the results you dream of!

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